The site is located within the heart of Orange, surrounded by tree lined streets, historic buildings and post 1970 commercial developments. It is a unique, socially and culturally diverse area within easy access to a variety of community facilities, parks, taverns and shops.
Linked assisted in the development of a new destination precinct which provided the opportunity to regenerate the existing urban fabric and tenancy mix within the existing retail shopping mall to encourage F&B providers. The refurbishment works involved a staged construction delivery approach to not impact the live operational environment.
The scope of works included a new facade along the northern and western elevations, alfresco dining, mall identification and tenancy signage, tenancy reconfiguration, new external amenities and a full amenities upgrade.
Summer Centre
Feasibility, Tenancy Mix, Staging, Authority Approvals, Contractor Selection, Superintendent, Technical Stakeholder Management
Linked - Nigel Pollard & Craig Emerton; MTRDC, SPT, Evolved, Group DLA, TTW, QS1
Design & Construct